I liked to Monitor all the Calls to Made to My REST ful webservices.
JAMON is Considered to Be a better Monitoring Tool i liked it very much. It is easy to integrate easy to monitor .I downloaded it from
Jamon.jar (Required)
Jamon.war (optional)
But i suggest to integrate this to the web app. It has a nice admin screen to view the calls made to the services.
a. Added jamon.jar to the Project and added the monitors to My REST Services.
mon = MonitorFactory.start("EmpDetailsMonitor");
//My Business Logic
b. I modified my application.xml to include the jamon.war file.
c. Built the .ear file again Redeployed it.
Call the Webservice in which you added the EmpDetails Monitor
Navigate to the admin screen .you should be able to access like below
You should see the monitor Which you added with all other Call Specific Metrics